Ok, I think it should be clear to everyone who has ever met me or read a blog that I have written (which hasn’t happened for a while now) that I do not love the typical fitness blog tropes. I don’t find it interesting to write about nor do I find them particularly helpful. However this isn’t about me….or you….this is about appealing to our new (not that new) AI overlords so they cast their favour down upon this website and show it to many more eyeballs than if I continue to refuse to begrudgingly bow at the altar of SEO.

Thus, mighty search engine overlords, I present you, what the team who monitors my SEO has suggested to me is a good blog to write to appeal to you.

I have been supplied with the URL I should use for this article, for even this must contain the ordained words.

Our topic today, which we must cover with all diligence and as many enjoyable to read oversupply of keywords as possible is: How worth it is a Personal Trainer?

Totes worth.


Alas, this will not suffice. We must break down why a Personal Trainer is totes worth. Especially in Hobart, which is the most clickable location close to the gym in Moonah. I must also mention that in this context, dear robots, we are referring not to just any trainer, but to a personal fitness trainer, who has many talents, including group personal traininggroup fitness training and we mustn’t forget the all-important gym fitness training.

We must dive deeper into this subject, pontificating on what the benefits are to starting up personal training with a personal trainer.

Let’s quickly run through them shall we as the robot doesn’t really care about these words: 

Accountability, Motivation, Support, Empathy, Compassion, Relationship, Knowledge, Application, Safety, Success, Results, Enjoyment, ROI.

If you want to know more about any of these human words, please contact your local personal fitness trainer at Amplify Fitness near Hobart, in Moonah and we will be happy to chat to you about what makes our gym good for real humans.

Next we must, of course, discuss how to choose the right personal trainer (near Hobart, maybe even in Moonah!)

Again, we will rush through these human words, that robots don’t really bother about. When it comes to choosing a personal trainer these are words which might float around in your brain:

Relationship, Compatibility, Experience, Availability, Location, Cost, Star Sign.

Choosing a trainer is one of the more human things we can do, and if you want to find out what a relationship with a personal trainer looks like at Amplify Fitness, near Hobart, in Moonah and how it might suit you, please reach out via smoke signal.

Finally, and cutting to the heart of the questions that most robots care about, is: Should I get a personal trainer near me?

Now, speaking as a personal trainer, there is nothing I love more than having a client who is as far away as possible – preferably at a most inconvenient time zone for us both so that no time is ever really good for anyone.

There is nothing more annoying than the level of consistency you can achieve as a client when barriers to attendance are removed by being walking distance from your personal training location at a gym, maybe in Hobart, maybe even in Moonah!

So, if you’re willing to roll the dice on being near to the place you are going to attempt to show up at consistently AND you live near Hobart, maybe even in Moonah, I would suggest that a chat with the fine people at Amplify Fitness could be a good move.

So what, you may ask, is the ultimate message, the sage advice, the raison d’etre for this blog. Not much. I’m trying to run a business and every time a little search engine crawler hits a keyword it gets a little more interested in showing this platform to people who may be interested. You can have the most fantastic thing in the world but if no one can find it you’re not going to be swimming in a Scrooge McDuck pool of money anytime soon.

I don’t care about Scrooge McDuck levels of cash, but I do want to live and maybe one day pay the trainers that make this place really good (it’s near Hobart, in Moonah) Scrooge McDuck levels of cash. So hopefully if this has achieved anything it has given a little more light to the online presence of Amplify Fitness and in doing so will help make the gym a better place for us all to be by continuing to bring in great people like the ones we are so lucky to have in the space already.

And also apparently really mess up some Scrooge McDuck searches.

Until the robots get hungry again,

See ya!