After over two years training with Dan I can honestly say that getting over my nerves and making that first appointment has been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I’m so lucky to have found a trainer who genuinely want to see his clients succeeding, and the faith he has in me makes me want to prove him right.

Despite initial fears that I was signing up for a scary trainer with a bunch of boring, one-size-fits-all workouts, Dan has managed to keep me engaged in a constant stream of challenging PT, group sessions and home workouts that have kept me interested for far longer than I ever expected, and I have a good feeling that this will continue well into the future.

I recently took a three month break to travel, and although my confidence in my level of fitness led me to some amazing experiences I was incredibly nervous on my return that I would feel like I had lost too much ground and become discouraged. Dan was so understanding of my fears and honest with what I should expect that the backwards steps I had made didn’t seem like such a big deal after all, and though I still grumble to myself about letting my progress slip I’m back on my way.

Dan seems to attract the kind of client base who encourage, support and occasionally compete with each other to do better, and through his group sessions I’ve met a fantastic community of like-minded people. I used to be so sure that I wasn’t doing well enough that I was too self conscious to be seen trying, but under his guidance I have taken part in fitness events I would never have thought myself capable of, and I’m pretty sure now that nobody was ever staring at me!

As someone who had never enjoyed getting active, nobody is more surprised than I am that two and a bit years down the track I run, ride, skip, hula hoop, push, pull and lift things, and that I like it so much I get cross when I’m forced to miss a session! The first step is the hardest one to take, and I’m so glad to have taken it, and all the following ones, with Dan.