Book A Personal Trainer

Book A time with our Personal trainers

Use the buttons below to book in time with your personal trainer

If you haven’t worked with a trainer before and are looking to start up, you can click on their picture to learn a bit more about them.

If it’s your first session, we will go over everything you need during the first appointment, don’t worry, the first one is free!

Why one on one?

It’s no secret that people who decide to train one on one with a coach will invariably get better outcomes, here are some of the reasons:

  • A much more personal relationship – your trainer knows how you work best, what motivates you to get the best out of yourself each session
  • Personalised programs – a trainer can cater their session for you and you alone, you can get great results with one size fits all programs but you can waste your time too, a personalised, monitored and tracked program will guarantee results
  • Peace of mind – your trainer knows what’s up with you, they can roll with your changing circumstances and you can chat to them any time. When you have a dedicated trainer in your corner, no matter what life throws at you, they will be there to help you work your way through it

If you can see that your training and your life could do with a more personal connection, book in with one of our personal trainers above, we are more than just trainers, we are going to coach you to be the best you can – you don’t even know how good you can get, we do. Let us help you get there.